For comparison, and convenient reference, here is a collection of demographic and housing characteristics at the national level. Data pulled as of Q3 2019, reflecting 2000 and 2010 Census data, 2018 Census Estimates (PEPAGESEX), and 2017 5-Year ACS estimates. (Being updated in segments)

Population & Age

Age Group2000201020183-Yr Avg Annual Growth Rate
45 to 6461,952,63681,489,44583,904,3350.0%
65 to 7418,390,98621,713,42930,492,3163.6%
75 and over16,600,76718,554,55521,938,8772.9%
Adult Ratio3.74.43.8--

The currently (2018) estimated ratio of adult children (population age 45 to 64) to Seniors (75 and over) is 3.8-to-1 — this has been falling slowly since 2010, and is expected to fall to about 2-to-1 in the next 10 years. This will drive significant shifts in how care needs to be supplied, as this also suggests the demand for *Caregivers* will roughly double relative to all other employment.


For seniors 75 and over:

  • [Group Quarters vs Households]
  • 76% of senior households who own their home are mortgage-free.
  • 7.1% of seniors move every year, and 60% of those moves are within the county.


Comparing nominal household incomes by age of householder; average annual change from 2014 to 2017:

  • Overall, nominal Median Incomes have increased by about 4.1% per year.
  • For householders under 25, household incomes increased about 5.9% per year.
  • For householders 25 to 44, household incomes increased about 3.9% per year.
  • For householders 45 to 64, household incomes increased about 3.8% per year.
  • For householders 65 and over, household incomes increased about 3.9% per year.
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